Friday, March 30, 2012

SEO For Blogs (ABCs Plus Basics for Websites and Blogs)

SEO For Blogs (ABCs Plus Basics for Websites and Blogs) Review

SEO Basics for Blogs - *This is a transcript from a podcast roundtable discussion* There is an extensive list of resources and links at the end of the book. Also, we aren't trying to sell you anything, isn't that refreshing?

Blogging ABCs hosts Deborah Carney, Tricia Meyer, Vinny O’Hare, are joined by guest Eric Nagel in a roundtable discussion about the basics of SEO tactics for bloggers. Eric supplied us with an excellent outline, there is excellent discussion on each of the bullet points, plus a ton of great stuff that came out within the discussion.

This is a transcript of a podcast, we know a lot of people prefer to read and not necessarily listen. Included are 17 pages of SEO basics that even some experienced webmasters may have forgotten. At the end of the book is a resources page with lots of great references for you to implement the tips with.

Keyword research - Take your idea, and think about how people are going to search for it

Title Tag - This should be your keyword. Don’t be cute here, the title tag in WordPress is inside an H1 tag, which helps with on-site SEO

Meta Description - sometimes used for the snippet shown in organic search results

Permalinks - Don’t use default of ?p=87 - Choose one of the options that has %postname%

Images - Don’t hotlink images - Use the Title, Alternate Text & Caption fields - Name the image with your keyword
ex: your-keyword-here.jpg

Social Sharing - Twitter and Facebook buttons

Your social circle influences Google search results

Sitemaps - several resources listed in the Appendix of the book

We even have a place where you can go and ask questions when you are finished reading the book.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

100 Blog Commenting Tactics (Internet Marketing Quick Guide)

100 Blog Commenting Tactics (Internet Marketing Quick Guide) Review

This ebook will give you 100 blog commenting tactics. It contains things on a blog you can comment on and persuasive types of attention getting words you can use. When you include your with web site link with your blog comment it can give you traffic from backlinks and targeted visitors that may buy your products.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog (Smashing Magazine Book Series)

Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog (Smashing Magazine Book Series) Review

Smashing WordPress shows you how to utilize the power of the WordPress platform, and provides a creative spark to help you build WordPress-powered sites that go beyond the obvious. The second edition of Smashing WordPress has been updated for WordPress 3.1+, which includes internal, custom post types, the admin bar, and lots of other useful new features. You will learn the core concepts used to post types, the admin bar, and lots of other useful new features. You will learn the core concepts used to build just about anything in WordPress, resulting in fast deployments and greater design flexibility.

Inside, WordPress expert Thord Daniel Hedengren takes you beyond d the blog and shows you how WordPress can serve as a CMS, a photo gallery, and e-commerce site, and more. This edition includes new and upgraded examples of cool WordPress usage.

You Will Learn How To:

  • Build Beautiful WordPress Themes, including Child Themes
  • Create Custom Login Forms and Admin Themes
  • Use the Loop to Control Content
  • Build Plugins, including Widget Functionality
  • Use Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies
  • Use Post Formats
  • Integrate WordPress with the Social Web
  • Use Conditional Control Elements
  • Integrate Theme Options
  • Build Your WordPress Projects for SEO

Thord Daniel Hedengren is a professional web designer and developer who has created numerous WordPress themes, developed plugins, and put WordPress to good use powering both blogs and big editorial sites. He is the former editor of the Blog Herald, a popular website for bloggers and WordPress users.

Vistit to download the code examples.

Smashing Magazine ( is one of the world’s most popular Web-design online magazine. True to the Smashing Magazine book series delivers useful and innovative information to Web designers and developers. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Photographer's Blogging Book: The Easy Way To Build Your Blog and Start Attracting Traffic To Fill Your Photography Business With Customers

The Photographer's Blogging Book: The Easy Way To Build Your Blog and Start Attracting Traffic To Fill Your Photography Business With Customers Review

Are you using the Internet in the best way possible to find customers for your photography business?

Things have changed over the past few years in the marketing world. While traditional marketing tools can still be used to find clients, increasingly people are turning online to find, connect and hire their photographers. And if you aren’t there – your competition will be.

In The Photographer’s Blogging Book, professional photographer Lori Osterberg reveals the secrets to becoming a successful blogger in your chosen photographic niche. Inside this guide, you’ll discover:

* How to set up your blog the right way
* Tools and resources to give your blog more functionality
* Blog writing tips on how to attract readers
* Selling techniques
* Secrets of successful bloggers
* And more

Whether you are looking for a new way to market your photography business, or are expanding and want a new, fresh way to make money with your photography online, this book will be your reference guide into the world of blogging.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Getting Started with WordPress: Design Your Own Blog or Website

Getting Started with WordPress: Design Your Own Blog or Website Review

If you're a beginning blogger looking for an easy-to-follow, friendly guide to help you produce an attractively designed blog or website, this is the book for you. You'll learn the basics of WordPress, one-click installs, and customizations. There's also coverage of SEO, categorizing blog posts, and social media promotion strategies, such as importing your blog into a Facebook page. This book's approach starts out simple using step-by-step examples and builds from there, enabling you to gain confidence in building your blog. You'll soon feel comfortable with a variety of helpful techniques: writing the text for your blog, adding pictures to your posts, publicizing your blog, tracking the number of visitors you've had, customizing the look and feel of your blog, managing comment spam, and even exploring ecommerce. You'll see sample blogs in the book and on the companion website so you can get an idea of what other bloggers are doing. Readers await your blog!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Building a WordPress Blog People Want to Read (2nd Edition)

Building a WordPress Blog People Want to Read (2nd Edition) Review

Having your own blog isn’t just for the nerdy anymore. Today, it seems everyone—from multinational corporations to a neighbor up the street—has a blog. They all have one, in part, because the folks at WordPress make it easy to have one. But to actually build a good blog—to create a blog people want to read—takes thought, planning, and some effort. From picking a theme and using tags to choosing widgets and building a community, creating your blog really starts after you’ve set it up.

In Building a WordPress Blog People Want to Read by blogger extraordinaire Scott McNulty, you’ll learn how to:
  • Install and get your WordPress site running.
  • Set up your site to ensure it can easily grow with you and your readers.
  • Be the master of user accounts.
  • Manage your site with the WordPress Dashboard and extend its capabilities with plug-ins.
  • Make the most of images.
  • Work with pages, templates, and links and—of course—publish your posts.
  • Use custom post types and taxonomies to bend WordPress to your will.
  • Deal with comments—if you even want readers commenting at all.
  • Find a theme and make it your own.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog from Iraq

Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog from Iraq Review

Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog from Iraq Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781558614895
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

In August 2003, the world gained access to a remarkable new voice: a blog written by a 25-year-old Iraqi woman living in Baghdad, whose identity remained concealed for her own protection. Calling herself Riverbend, she offered searing eyewitness accounts of the everyday realities on the ground, punctuated by astute analysis on the politics behind these events.

In a voice in turn eloquent, angry, reflective and darkly comic, Riverbend recounts stories of life in an occupied city—of neighbors whose homes are raided by US troops, whose relatives disappear into prisons and whose children are kidnapped by money-hungry militias. At times, the tragic blends into the absurd, as she tells of her family jumping out of bed to wash clothes and send e-mails in the middle of the night when the electricity is briefly restored, or of their quest to bury an elderly aunt when the mosques are all overbooked for wakes and the cemeteries are all full. The only Iraqi blogger writing from a woman’s perspective, she also describes a once-secular city where women are now afraid to leave their homes without head covering and a male escort.

Interspersed with these vivid snapshots from daily life are Riverbend’s analyses of everything from the elusive workings of the Iraqi Governing Council to the torture in Abu Ghraib, from the coverage provided by American media and by Al-Jazeera to Bush’s State of the Union speech. Here again, she focuses especially on the fate of women, whose rights and freedoms have fallen victim to rising fundamentalisms in a chaotic postwar society.

With thousands of loyal readers worldwide, the Riverbend blog is widely recognized around the world as a crucial source of information not available through the mainstream media. The book version of this blog will have “value-added” features: an introduction and timeline of events by veteran journalist James Ridgeway, excerpts from Riverbend’s links and an epilogue by Riverbend herself.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

iWrite: Using Blogs, Wikis, and Digital Stories in the English Classroom

iWrite: Using Blogs, Wikis, and Digital Stories in the English Classroom Review

"It's not that our students aren't reading and writing, but that where and what they are reading and writing is off the school radar. We can build a bridge between the literate lives of our students outside of school and the literacies we want to teach them."

--Dana J. Wilber

The power of Dana Wilber's insight is in its simplicity. Students are texting, networking, and blogging- i.e., writing and reading- all the time, everywhere, just maybe in places we aren't necessarily paying attention to. Build on their authentic interest and motivation using the technologies they are already committed to and you've won half the battle. You won't believe how engaged they are; they won't believe they're learning for school.

In iWrite, Dana shows you how to guide students through the complexity of new literacies, including:

  • how to discern between media
  • how to account for audience and voice
  • how to choose appropriate genre
  • and how to harness what they already know to be more successful in school.

Dana deftly elucidates the lives of Millennials, those students growing up around the turn of the 21st century, and the technologies embedded into their everyday reading and writing. She shows us how three accessible tools-wikis, blogs, and digital storytelling -can be used to scaffold learning for our students. And she demonstrates how they can help us address 10 key issues in the literacies of today's students:





oMeaning and identity

oInterest and inquiry

oCognitive development




Let iWrite show you how to capture students' daily literacy practices and develop them for the kind of writing we want them to learn.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bloggers Boot Camp: Learning How to Build, Write, and Run a Successful Blog

Bloggers Boot Camp: Learning How to Build, Write, and Run a Successful Blog Review

Bloggers Boot Camp shows you how to build a great blog from the ground up. This isn't a book about technology -- it's a book about engaging millions of readers. Starting your blog is easy, but building and maintaining a popular one is hard. Blogging experts John Biggs and Charlie White (Gizmodo, Mashable and TechCrunch) share their secrets from the frontline showing you how to blog with quality and flair, find the best stories, and attract millions of readers to your blog. Blogging goes way beyond writing. It's a conversation between you and your audience. Guiding you to blogging success Bloggers Boot Camp shows you how to:

    * Uncover a niche for your blog, and realize key factors about yourself that you need to know before you write a single word. * Gather the ideal tools for blogging, without spending too much or approaching it underequipped. *Discover the best ways to spread the word about your new blog. * Find the most compelling stories to write about, and get the information before anyone else does. * Transform your writing by learning the subtle art of constructing a compelling, engaging blog post. * Stimulate your readers to directly participate in the two-way conversation, perhaps the most exciting part of this new way of communicating.

    * Teaches writers how to blog and bloggers how to write * Offers a simple method for writing every day and a simple formula for creating compelling content * The writers have 20,000+ posts under their belts at three of the five most powerful blogs in the world.

    Sunday, March 4, 2012

    The Complete Idiot's Guide to Creating a Web Page & Blog, 6E

    The Complete Idiot's Guide to Creating a Web Page & Blog, 6E Review

    Average people, not just programmers and web designers, are overcoming their digital fears and are clamoring to spin their own little webs. Some people are tired of being passive consumers and want to produce content rather than merely digest it. Others have information - essays, stories, jokes, diatribes, shopping lists, etc. - that they want to share with family, friends, and the world at large, but never had the opportunity before. "The Complete Idiot's Guide[registered] to Creating a Web Page and Blog, Sixth Edition", will help anyone build and maintain an Internet web site or blog. Coverage of this title includes: straightforward, step-by-step instructions for building a basic web page or blog from the ground up; copious examples that illustrate each new concept; coverage of all the important HTML tags; tips on using fonts, colors, images, and writing for the web; extensive blog-specific information to introduce readers to this new and exciting technology and medium; simple, non-technical instructions for incorporating tables, forms, style sheets, and JavaScripts; and, a 'Webmaster's Toolkit' on a companion CD-ROM, providing everything the reader needs to get started, including all of the example files used in the book.

    Friday, March 2, 2012

    5 Simple Steps to money -making visibility for your blog

    5 Simple Steps to money -making visibility for your blog Review

    It makes little difference what industry you are in, a blog is essential to the success of your marketing and promotions.

    A blog allows you to promote a brick-and-mortar business, introduce new products to market, sell as an affiliate, position you and your company, increase search-engine rankings, as well as increase your market reach and expert status.

    Blogs are perfect for the famous and the not-so-famous. They are great for a pet supplier who wants to educate the market and sell products from his or her blog. Blogs are great for politicians to keep in touch with constituents.

    Authors definitely benefit from having a blog, as do small business owners who are trying to secure business in a specific geographic area.

    It’s no coincidence that thousands upon thousands of people all around the world are making money, have positioned their expert status, and tapped into their life’s passion through blogging.

    However, don’t assume that all you need to do is set up your blog and the rest will take care of itself. The “field of dreams” approach is a recipe for failure. You have to do much more than simply build it and they will come.

    You need to proactively promote your blog, attract readers and build a loyal following.

    But how?

    With 5 Simple Steps to money -making visibility for your blog.

    In this content filled book you will learn how to quickly gain massive visibility for your blog. Visibility for your blog that equates to leads, opt in subscribers, customers and revenue.

    Whether you want to make money from your blog, reach more of your market, serve your market with your insights and wisdom, or increase your revenues, 5 Simple Steps to money -making visibility for your blog is for you.

    This report is easy to understand and follow. Learn five very powerful methods you can implement right away. No matter what level of experience you have at blogging 5 Simple Steps to money -making visibility for your blog will take you to the next level.

    Grab Your Copy Today and Get a Bonus Gift - Membership Sites Fast video training. Details inside 5 Simple Steps to money -making visibility for your blog.

    Written by Kathleen Gage, The Street Smarts Marketer. Kathleen is a full time online marketer making a great six figure income from the Internet.