Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dead Girl's Blog: Two Short Tales of Zombie Horror

Dead Girl's Blog: Two Short Tales of Zombie Horror Review

Meet Audrey Scott. She has it all. She’s the most popular girl at Lincoln High and dates Tommy Barker, the cutest boy in the senior class. She has a credit card with no limit, is head cheerleader and was probably going to be homecoming queen again this year—until she was bitten by a Deader. Worst part of it? He ruined her best jeans.
But that’s just the tip of the putrid iceberg. Now, Audrey is beginning to fester. She doesn’t smell very fresh. Her hair comes out, along with pieces of scalp. Her friends no longer want to hang out with her. Tommy has moved on to a new girl.
And poor Audrey is suddenly wearing Depends and hanging with her lame younger sister, Cindy.
The world isn’t like it was. Disease is in the air and people have become infected. The dead are no longer buried because they won’t stay put in their graves. They are sent out to big, green pastures with electric fences, where they remain until they rot away to nothing.
Told in blog form, this short is an introduction to Diary of a Dead Girl, a darkly humorous young adult novel by Donna Burgess, scheduled for release in the second half of 2011.
Also included is the bonus short story, Under a Blanket of Blue, a Romero-inspired tale of zombies, love and survival.
Total e-book length: approx. 8700 words.

Monday, August 29, 2011

It's ALL on the Blog, DON'T Buy the Book

It's ALL on the Blog, DON'T Buy the Book Review

Let s face it...even if you really, really love a blog, there is almost no chance that you are going to go back and read months and months worth of material. It s just too difficult and not yet comfortable enough. This book is a response to customer demand. Or perhaps I should say, community demand? Jeremy, I really like your blog. How can I get caught up with your past posts? So, the idea of the "Blook" (blog + book = blook) summarizing the first year of post-Microsoft blogging was born. Although I had been blogging personally for 8 years and professionally for about 2.5, the year of leaving Microsoft, starting a business (in a recession), and trying to revolutionize the way marketing is done, was full of material that my wonderful editor, Mary Mygie Capina, and I thought would be a great primer for those trying to understand the radically changing future of marketing. So, here you go....enjoy! (Note: the term "blook" was introduced to me by Seth Godin while reading Small Is The New Big. I didn t invent it.) And when you are done, visit the actual blog at neverstopmarketing.com

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Crossing Paths

Crossing Paths Review

"From the maudlin to the absurd, and all roads in between, Baeli asserts her unique brand of scathing humor, raw sincerity, and insightful angst in this collection of essays." ~Kindred Ink Writer's Initiative

Friday, August 26, 2011

Get Up To Speed with Online Marketing: How to use websites, blogs, social networking and much more (Financial Times Series)

Get Up To Speed with Online Marketing: How to use websites, blogs, social networking and much more (Financial Times Series) Review

ONLINE MARKETING CAN YOUR SMALL BUSINESS AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT? Traditional advertising doesn't always work these days and it's expensive. People screen out TV ads, magazine ads, and billboards. Instead they're spending time on Facebook, watching YouTube, reading and writing blogs, listening to podcasts and flicking through Twitter. As a small business owner, how do you get the word out about your product or service? By going where your market is. And that's online. This book explains in a straightforward, easy-to-follow style all there is to know about promoting small businesses, online covering all the major online tools available including: * Websites * Search engine marketing * Email marketing * Blogging * Podcasts * Online video * Social networks e.g. Facebook and MySpace * Virtual worlds e.g. Second Life * Social bookmarking It will show readers how to use each medium to their best effect on a limited marketing budget, if not for free!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Citizen Journalist: A Case Study on Using Blogs for Self-Promotion

Citizen Journalist: A Case Study on Using Blogs for Self-Promotion Review

With rapid advances in communication technology, there are more and more activities made available for our social animal race. The Internet offers new windows to view the world and has permanently altered the communication experience. The Internet knows of no distance as it connects millions of users worldwide.

From personal diary entries, blogging has evolved from its humble origins into a widely used marketing tool. You are only ever just a few clicks away from the ideas, information and opinions of individuals.

Citizen Journalist explores the blogging practices of A. Fatih Syuhud, an Indonesian blogger hailed as the pioneer of English blogging in his native country. Ranked as a top Indonesian blogger, Syuhud has quickly risen to fame within the blogging community due to his passion for writing. The author closely observes Syuhud's citizen journalism efforts and innovative use of the Internet to promote himself.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Charkin Blog: The Archive

Charkin Blog: The Archive Review

'This is it. I am officially entering the blogosphere. This is not a Macmillan blog, but Macmillan will certainly feature heavily. The idea is that when we need to share anything from company strategy through news, to talk about new ideas or to help us learn from our successes and our mistakes, we can all blog about it here. This means no more email newsletters from me. Instead, you can read (and blog) all about it here. And don't forget to bookmark this page and to let colleagues know all about it. The broader the audience the more effective this blog becomes. And it becomes a lot more interesting if you join the conversation ...so don't be shy'. "The Charkin Blog" gave voice to Richard Charkin's many and varied opinions over the last two years of his time at Macmillan. Only time will tell whether it will go down in publishing history. Meanwhile this book offers readers a valuable record.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms (Multimedia Kit): A Multimedia Kit for Professional Development

Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms (Multimedia Kit): A Multimedia Kit for Professional Development Review

Demystify the latest Web tools and demonstrate easy-to-use applications that strengthen information literacy, emphasize Internet safety, and enhance students’ academic achievement across grade levels and content areas.

Includes: DVD (51 min.), Facilitator’s Guide, CD-ROM, Companion Book

Monday, August 22, 2011

Captain's Blog with Comments

Captain's Blog with Comments Review

How many anchors can one man destroy? How often can he run his boat aground? How many times will loved ones call the Coast Guard to search for him and his boat? These questions and more are answered in The Captain's Blog: one man's attempt to sail to the Bahamas and back. Follow Cap'n Scott's adventures as he fends off Southern Belles, scurvy, rogue tug boats, biker gangs, and of course his ever present nemesis, King Neptune and the Sea. One question persists throughout this gripping true story: Will Cap'n Scott return home safe, or be lost to the sea forever?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Blog: Bad Time for Poetry (Artists and Writers)

The Blog: Bad Time for Poetry (Artists and Writers) Review

Distributed by the University of Nebraska Press for Whale and Star Press

Enrique Martínez Celaya’s blog, Bad Time for Poetry, began on August 24, 2007, and ended on May 25, 2009. In the emergence of the literary genre of the blog, Bad Time for Poetry existed as an antiblog, showing how this literary genre can be used to cultivate and preserve cultural commentary that has lasting value and is mindful of the past and responsible to the future. His posts were intended to be read closely, contemplated, and assimilated into readers’ lives. Martínez Celaya’s blog is now preserved in this complete compilation of his posts.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

WordPress 3.0 jQuery

WordPress 3.0 jQuery Review

This book walks the reader from a basic overview and introduction to jQuery with illustrations of how it works with a WordPress site and then starts building enhancements that start off very simply and increase in dynamics as the book progresses. You'll start off with some simple CSS manipulation and move on to creating some sleek visual validation to your site's forms and by the end of the book use the UI plugin seamlessly within WordPress and create a custom rotating slide-show and incorporate AJAX techniques to your site. All the while showing you how to create these enhancements without "breaking up the work-flow" of the WordPress content editors. This book is for anyone who is interested in using jQuery with a WordPress site. It's assumed that most readers will be WordPress developers with a pretty good understanding of PHP or JavaScript programming and at the very least experienced with HTML/CSS development who want to learn how to quickly apply jQuery to their WordPress projects.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

CR 003 "Twitter into Blogger" How to connect your Twitter & Blogger (Google Blogs). - TKP 0247 -

CR 003 "Twitter into Blogger" How to connect your Twitter & Blogger (Google Blogs). - TKP 0247 - Review

[ "Twitter into Blogger" How to connect your Twitter & Google Blog Blogger. ]

Contents Recycle (CR 003): "Twitter into Blogger" - TKP 0247 -


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- eBooks for your Action --------------------------

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Internet: un trésor de nouveaux genres (blogs, forums) (German Edition)

Internet: un trésor de nouveaux genres (blogs, forums) (German Edition) Review

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Französisch - Pädagogik, Didaktik, Sprachwiss., einseitig bedruckt, Note: 1,75, Universität des Saarlandes, 18 Eintragungen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Wohl kaum eine andere Kommunikationsform steht derzeit so stark im Mittelpunkt des multidisziplinären und wissenschaftlichen Interesses wie das Internet und seine Möglichkeiten. Schon zu Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts erkannte H. Frei, dass das Aufkommen neuer kommunikativer Bedürfnisse wesentliche linguistische Veränderungen mit sich bringen würde. Diese Arbeit fokussiert nun eine dieser neuen Kommunikationsformen: den Weblog. Aufgrund der Fülle von Charakteristika dieser neuen Formen und verschiedenen Parallelen hinsichtlich der Analyse erscheint es der Autorin sinnvoll, exemplarisch anhand eines Typus der neu entstandenen Kommunikationsformen die charakteristischen Eigenschaften darzustellen und zu analysieren. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit soll nun einmal die linguistische Analyse von Blogs stehen, auf der anderen Seite aber auch immer wieder Bezug auf die Frage des Mündlichen und Schriftlichen genommen werden. Dabei sollen die auftretenden gattungskonstituierenden Elemente sowie Eckdaten der Entstehung von Blogs miteinbezogen werden, um zu einer vollständigen Betrachtung zu gelangen.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Dream To Write 2010 Blog

The Dream To Write 2010 Blog Review

My blog began as a six week experiment in early 2010 and ended up transforming my life and the way I viewed myself. This book contains 350 daily posts on subjects ranging from motherhood to friendship to personal growth to philosophy on a wide variety of topics. I hope you find inspiration and identification as you read.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue

The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue Review

The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781935251736
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!
Social media is a crucial tool for success in business today. People are already talking about your business using social media, whether you’re using it or not. By becoming part of the conversation, you can start connecting directly to your customers, as well as finding new ones, easily and inexpensively spreading the word about your products or services.

But social media marketing isn’t like traditional marketing-and treating it that way only leads to frustration. Let Shama Hyder Kabani, president of Web marketing firm Marketing Zen and social media expert, teach you the “zen” of social media marketing: how to access all the benefits of social media marketing without the stress!

With a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan, The Zen of Social Media Marketing outlines the most popular social media tools, from Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn, and teaches you how to use them, step by step. She provides proven strategies for success from the businesses she works with every day, along with shortcuts and tips to help you make the most of your time and energy.

The Zen of Social Media Marketing is also the last social media guide you’ll ever need: with the physical book you also get access to the exclusive online edition, which includes regular updates and video extras to make sure you’re always on top of the latest in social media.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Google Blogger For Dummies

Google Blogger For Dummies Review

Google Blogger For Dummies Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780470407424
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!
Are you bemused by blogs? Eager to become a blogger? Google Blogger For Dummies can help you start blogging sooner than you think.

More than 14 million people are promoting a business, connecting with family and friends, and sharing opinions with Google Blogger. This book helps you start a Blogger account, create content, build an audience, make money from your blog, and more, all without learning to program. You’ll be able to:

  • Learn the parts of a blog, what Blogger does, and how to choose goals and blog topics
  • Choose a domain name, learn to use the dashboard, pick a template, and configure settings
  • Dress up your blog with themes and find out where to get plenty of free ones
  • Learn blogging etiquette and some secrets for long-term success
  • Make money from your blog with Google Adsense, contextual and text link ads, and merchandising with CafePress
  • Set up multi-user blogs or branch into mobile blogging, podcasting, or video blogging
  • Take advantage of social networking sites and learn simple search engine optimization techniques
  • Maintain your blog with tools like Blog This! and Quick Edit
  • Moderate comments effectively, track your stats, and more

Google Blogger is a great choice for beginning bloggers, and Google Blogger For Dummies gives you the know-how to venture confidently into the blogosphere.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to Drive More Quality Traffic to Your Blog

How to Drive More Quality Traffic to Your Blog Review

Every blogger wants to know how to get more readers, and of course, readers are the life blood of your business blog if you want to grow your business. Readers create your community, and when they become raving fans, they become your clients. There are myriad ways to drive traffic to your blog, and there are some simple tactics that can exponentially increase the right traffic to your blog. This program will give you seven specific tactics to drive more qualified readers to your business blog.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How To Build A Successful Website

How To Build A Successful Website Review

How To Build A Successful Website.

This is a complete guide to build a successful website or blog business. It will assume that you do have some basic knowledge about getting a hosting account, buying a domain name etc and know the basics of SEO and a few other slightly jargon-esque terms. If not then feel free to ask at zenduck.me

This guide to building a successful website business is based primarily on building sites that earn via affiliate commissions from companies that offer the relevant programs. The information is designed to maximize how you build a Website or blog that wishes to gain visitors via obtaining high rankings in the search engines, especially Google.